Monday, February 04, 2008


So my experiment in productivity was not a complete failure. I missed the boat for climbing but I did work fairly diligently and managed to roughly complete my paper between 5 and 6, affording me sufficient time to attend the Super Bowl party.

The whole thing fell down because I had spent all day camped out at home (ie Garth's place - lol!) where there was nothing but bread and p.b. By the time I finished the paper my eyes were sore, I was lethargic and just felt like relaxing. So I bailed on the Super Bowl party and watched Man of the Year! (Great movie - that 'computer glitch' was pretty sobering, no? Double bs, double ls...yikes!) Thus far, 2008 has been the Year of the Bail. (Not seen in such epic proportions since university when I would generally leave social events (often without notifying my companions) and go home to watch That Girl on TV with my mom.

I think another reason for bailing was fatbody. Yesterday was rock bottom. The bread and p.b. The Italian that G and I ordered. The inactivity. Well TODAY is the first day of my steadfast journey to the 140s!!!

Battle cry!!! Musical crishendo (spelled as it SHOULD be spelled)!!!


Off to work. Then class.

Double fuck.

Happy Monday. This ray of sunshine is signing off...

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