Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Meet Jack Quarter

I was recently accepted to OISE U of T's M.Ed. in Adult Education and Community Development. Yaaaay! Lemme tell ya, when I look at some of the courses I get to take, my heart speeds up like too much coffay. This did not happen with Business. Bleh.

My excitement at being accepted (I love validation!) had only one small grey cloud, the faculty advisor I was assigned was not the one I had my academic heart set upon. I soul-searched a bit, thinking - Is this an example of the universe unfolding? Do I need to just let go and trust that I have the right advisor for some purpose that I have not yet identified? (See Reason, Season, Unicorn blog...)

Well yesterday I emailed Jack Quarter, the advisor I fancied, and within twenty minutes he replied back YES and requested the change himself! Woo hoo! This is an example of the universe needing a slight tweak or nudge once in a while!

Fun links: (Yes, my idea of fun is off...)

Stay Tuned...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never doubt that the universe will fold to your will. It's the only reason I got so see The Daily Show :-)

And haven't you picked out your courses *yet*?!?